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Yorkdale is committed to sustainability.
As one of Canada’s first shopping centres to implement a recycling program, Yorkdale has continually increased its targets for reducing waste year after year since 1994. The shopping centre is equipped with 10 compactors, and all cardboard, paper, bottles, cans and plastics are recycled on-site. As well, all retailers are encouraged to participate in the recycling program to ensure Yorkdale not only meets each new target but exceeds it.
Latest Initiatives
Yorkdale continues to expand its sustainability program and we are proud to be the first shopping centre to ban single use plastic straws. Our Dine on 3 tenants, for example, must all use compostable dishware. Yorkdale’s restrooms are furnished with the latest hands-free faucets and low-flow toilets to conserve water. Yorkdale is proud to host many first to market brands that align with our sustainability values.

Bicycle Parking Stations
Post and ring bicycle stands are located at the entrances of Holt Renfrew, Nordstrom, Indigo and Shoppers Drug Mart. Bike Room is located at E Parkade P1 and is designed to hold one bicycle each as well as any bicycle gear. To obtain access to a bicycle locker, please visit our Security Office.

With a mission to build a healthier society by reconnecting people with nature and their food, Yorkdale and Microhabitat transformed an unused rooftop space into an urban ecosystem. The goal is to create greener and more resilient cities through urban agriculture. Experience the farm-to-table freshness at The Centre of Style.

Bee Adoption
Yorkdale is proud to be home to one hive from urban beekeeping company, Aveole, that will live on the Yorkdale rooftop to support and help grow the bee population. Initially the hives housed 5,000 bees each, which will grow to over 50,000 by the end of the summer! The bees will travel up to 5 km, contributing to the greening in the Yorkdale neighbourhood and local gardens. We thank our neighbours for planting luscious gardens to help pollination.

Solar Panels
Yorkdale’s rooftop solar panel installation is one of the largest in the greater Toronto area, with more than 600 panels and 7 inverters spanning more than a kilometre. The panels produce approximately 234,140 kWh annually per hour, equivalent to the annual energy consumption of 40 residential homes. The energy produced by this installation helps supply the annual energy requirements of an average-sized Yorkdale store. The installation has marked Oxford’s first large scale solar project and builds on a decade of leadership firsts for Oxford’s Sustainable Intelligence program.

Elevated Eats
Elevated Eats is a best-in-class urban garden that provides educational opportunities for area students over the summer months. Elevated Eats, launched by Frank Ferragine (AKA Frankie Flowers) will produce more than 30 varieties of seasonal vegetables and fruits including green beans, swiss chard, cucumbers, eggplant, kale, lettuce, pea shoots, sweet peppers, hot peppers and tomatoes. Herbs such as basil, chives, mint, oregano, parsley, rosemary, and thyme will also be grown. When it reaches its full capacity, Elevated Eats donates all crops to local food banks.

Green Rooftop
Yorkdale’s rooftop is covered in over 150,000 square feet of greenery. The living roof helps to save energy by reducing atmospheric heating, mitigating local air pollutants and managing surface water run-off.

Grass and Plant Areas
Our landscaped areas are irrigated using collected rainwater. We have selected drought tolerant and native plants that support local biodiversity and pollinators.

Compost Program
We are proud to participate in a pilot program with Scarborough Town Centre, enabling us to transform kitchen prep and organic waste from our Dine on 3 Food Court into usable soil for our centre’s plants. This green initiative adds nutrients to the soil and supports local biodiversity by closing the loop on circular recycling. The flourishing plants as a result of this program will also benefit local pollinators, including Yorkdale’s rooftop honeybees.

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BOMA Canada’s Mission is to represent the Canadian commercial real estate industry on matters of national concern, to develop a strong communications network between its local associations, BOMA International and other real estate associations and promote professionalism of its members through education programs and effective public relations activity.
Platinum is awarded to buildings that have met the BEST Practices and have achieved between 90 and 100% on the questionnaire.
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Yorkdale Shopping Centre has fulfilled the requirements of the LEED Green Building rating system certification established by the U.S. Green Building Council and verified by Green Business Certification Inc.
Yorkdale Shopping Centre has achieved LEED Gold Certification v4.1 Operations and Maintenance: Existing Buildings effective September 2022
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IREM Certified Sustainable Property (CSP)
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IREM’s CSP focuses on existing buildings and recognizes excellence in property operations and performance based on aspects like energy, water, health, recycling, and procurement.
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ISSA's CIMS Advanced by GBAC
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The ISSA’s CIMS Advanced by GBAC certification is based on the CIMS criteria, but with a renewed emphasis on protecting building occupants’ safety and health through GBAC’s proprietary cleaning, disinfection, and infection prevention procedures.
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Parksmart is the world’s only certification program that defines, measures and recognizes high-performing, sustainable garages. Yorkdale’s E and G parkades have been certified by Parksmart.
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Fitwel® has a vision for a healthier future where every building is enhanced to support the wellbeing of its occupants and support healthy communities.
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BreatheEasy is an indoor health awareness program that is making the invisible visible where we work, live, and gather. By measuring how quickly each space clears viruses and bacteria using effective Air Changes per Hour (eACH), BreatheEasy provides the insights on the safety of public and private spaces. Yorkdale is the first shopping centre to be measured and scored 8.0eACH, along with platinum and gold air safety ratings.
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WELL Health-Safety Rating
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This location is WELL Health-Safety Rated
The WELL Health-Safety seal is a visible mark of an organization’s commitment to making health, safety and resiliency a best practice at its locations. The WELL Health-Safety Rating is comprised of a subset of strategies from the WELL Building Standard (WELL Standard) and serves as a roadmap to help organizations put the necessary plans and protocols in place for resilience and response.
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Best Workplaces for Commuters demonstrates that options for commuting, such as transit, carpools, vanpools, and teleworking are economically and environmentally beneficial, yielding value to workers, employers, and our communities.
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